Thursday, February 26, 2009

My doc appointment!

I am SO excited about how it went! My doc was SUPER supportive and was so excited to help us out!!!

I was 10 days late when I went in for my appointment. She did a urine test but it came back negative. So she did my pap.
Then we sat and talked for about 20 minutes about all of the options that we have.
Once my period starts, I will need to start doing OPK's starting CD 10 until I get a surge. If I get a surge that shows that I am ovulating, then Lee will have to have a semen analysis done. She said that if I am ovulating, she wants to rule out if it is male factor related or not.
If I don't ovulate, I need to call her and she will figure out where to go from there depending on where I am in my cycle.
She was super nice and SO easy to talk to! I can't wait for my period to start so we can get this process going! She seems VERY eager to help too which is nice!
I just feel good knowing that I am doing something that will hopefully get me 1 step closer to getting pregnant and having a baby!