Monday, July 27, 2009

My appointment is tomorrow!!!

It's soooooo close! and I am sooooo scared!!!!!!
Lee is out of town tomorrow so his cousin who I am very close to, is coming to the appointment with me! It's nice to not have to go by myself!!!
It will be nice to finally get it over with. I am hoping I can get some answers tomorrow! Or at least get on the right track! I will update after my appointment tomorrow!

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Appointment has been set

So on July 28th I have my doctor appointment. I got a new doctor since I didn't really like my doctor the last time I went. I am hoping that I can finally get some answers. This cycle I did some OPK's to see if I was ovulating and I didn't get a positive so I don't truly think I am. Lee and I have been pretty laid back this cycle so we haven't really cared when we BD'd or anything like that.
I just really think I have PCOS which really sucks to think that. But I just have to face reality and get it fixed.
I have a feeling it's going to be another long cycle. I am on CD 32 and no AF in sight. Not even tempted to test or even think I am PG. Just a waste of money. Wouldn't it be nice if it were late because I was PG? I would think it would be, but that is just dreaming big time.

July 22 is Lee's 23rd birthday and we are going to a baseball game so that should be fun. Our anniversary is also July 28th so it could be a very interesting day. I hope this doctors appointment doesn't totally spoil my mood. I want it to be special. I can't believe that it has been two years already. Where the heck does the time go? I am so excited to celebrate though. I love that man with all of me and am very blessed to know that he is in my life. He is the greatest gift God has ever given me. He has been my rock through all of this.
Then August 4th is my 23rd bday and we have nothing planned. But it should be fun anyways!!

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Depression is setting in

So our two year anniversary is slowly approaching and we have yet to get PG!!!!! I just can't wrap my head aroound that very easily!
And now I have found out what I think is preventing Lee and I from getting PG. I think I could possibly have PCOS. And the crappy thing is Lee still wants to continue to try naturally. He says we need to get some weight off first before we launch into any testing. We made an agreement that if we are not PG by our next anniversary that we would start ferility testing. But it just sucks. I won't push him though. If he is not ready, I can't push him or he will just push back and get more pissed.
He is already stressed with me talking about infertility and getting PG all the time. He said that I just need to chill.
I hate this. I hate being stuck in a spot like this.
I just don't know what to do anymore. Sometimes I just want to crawl into a hole and not come out...

Monday, July 6, 2009

Sometimes I just don't feel understood

When I bring things up to people, I just feel like they don't understand where I am coming from and what I think. Sometimes I feel like when I bring something up, they just don't care to listen and just kind of avoid it. I hate that feeling. I try to get some help with stuff, and I just feel ignored!!! It's not a great feeling. I just wish people would understand what is going on and how I feel instead of dismissing my feelings....