Tuesday, June 24, 2008

I'm out but not down!

So AF showed up a week late! Poop on it! :) But I decided instead of being down and depressed, I will just move on. I was talking to my moms friend last night and was talking about Lee and I not getting prego. Well she told me she had to have medical assistance with all of her children. She told me that she knows it will happen for us even if we have to have medical assistance!! I sure hope so!!!
So now I guess I will continue to focus on getting in shape! And when that wonderful day we get our BFP, it will be all worth the hard work and the wait and heartach!!! I just can't wait to meet my precious little baby the day it comes!!!!

Thursday, June 19, 2008

I hate this!

I SO hate waiting for AF to either show or for me to get a BFP on a HPT!!! AF is now about 4 days late. I took a HPT on Wednesday and got a BFN, but I am thinking that maybe it was just to early?! So if AF is not here by Monday, I will test then! I just would like to know what is going on before I leave for San Diego!!!
I have had my period just stay away before for like 2 months, but I never had symptoms or anything. Now that I am a little better at knowing how my body reacts, I would like to think that maybe it is because I am prego!
Oh I hope so!!!!!!!!! I want it so bad!!!!! Hopefully my trip to San Diego is going to be a celebration trip!!!!

Monday, June 9, 2008

1 WW

So I am officially in the 1 ww!! I hate this wait!!! I have only a few small symptoms but I am not going to get excited about ANYTHING anymore!! My (.)(.) are a little sore and I have some heartburn but other than that..nothing. I just dont think that this is our month, but I guess I am not out until AF shows or I get a HPT that is a BFP! I am SO ready for our trip to San Diego!!!! If I am not prego, at least we get lots of chances to try in San Diego since I will be most fertile then and we will be gone for 10 days! So probably will BD everynight we are gone!!!

So onto the wait......tick tock! tick tock!!! I hate it!

Thursday, June 5, 2008


So my cold is STILL here! This sucks! I hate having a cold!!! Its so nasty! It just doesnt seem to be getting any better! I can't sleep very well at night because I can't breathe! The other night Lee went out in the living room and slept becasue he said I was making weird noises becasue I couldn't breathe! I was like oh great! So I just want this cold to be over with before I go to San Diego!

So last night I had a weird dream. I have had dreams before of me BEING pregnant, but last night I had a dream where I took a test and saw the + sign on the pregnancy test and I was all excited about it so I went and posted in APAs February Forum with my EDD being Feb 23. WEIRD!!! I just dont usually dream about APA or being pregnant! This was the first dream ever of me actually like seeing myself taking the test and watching the + sign appear! Maybe its a good sign of things to come....

I sure hope so! We are going on 11 months of TTC and I am getting really impatient! I don't want to wait anymore! I want to start a family! I didn't think it would take this long. I figured I would be prego by now! With it taking so long to get prego, I just get scare that maybe something is wrong? I dont want to think like that, but it scares me! I want to have kids and I want to start a family! I want to go through the whole pregnancy deal! I know everyone keeps telling me that it will happen when it is supposed to. YEAH I KNOW! But I want it to happen NOW!! I don't want to wait any longer! I want kids!!!!!!!!

Well enough of my ramblings...I need to get back to work!

Monday, June 2, 2008

Wow its been awhile!

So it has been awhile since I have wrote! So I am so sick right now! It sucks! I am all stuffed up and sick to my stomach! I hate being sick! Especially since it was so nice outside! I dont want to be lazy and be indoors all day!! Uck! I hope this cold goes away SOON!!!!

So I leave for San Diego in 25 days! I am SO excited!!! I am needing a vacation SO bad! I need to get away from work for a bit and just relax!!! I have never been to San Diego before so it should be lots and lots of fun! Hoping we are going to do some fun stuff!! Get some sun and relaxation! yay!!!! I can't wait! Hopefully Lee and I can get lots of BDing in and hopefully make a baby!! I can't wait!!!!!