So my cold is STILL here! This sucks! I hate having a cold!!! Its so nasty! It just doesnt seem to be getting any better! I can't sleep very well at night because I can't breathe! The other night Lee went out in the living room and slept becasue he said I was making weird noises becasue I couldn't breathe! I was like oh great! So I just want this cold to be over with before I go to San Diego!
So last night I had a weird dream. I have had dreams before of me BEING pregnant, but last night I had a dream where I took a test and saw the + sign on the pregnancy test and I was all excited about it so I went and posted in APAs February Forum with my EDD being Feb 23. WEIRD!!! I just dont usually dream about APA or being pregnant! This was the first dream ever of me actually like seeing myself taking the test and watching the + sign appear! Maybe its a good sign of things to come....
I sure hope so! We are going on 11 months of TTC and I am getting really impatient! I don't want to wait anymore! I want to start a family! I didn't think it would take this long. I figured I would be prego by now! With it taking so long to get prego, I just get scare that maybe something is wrong? I dont want to think like that, but it scares me! I want to have kids and I want to start a family! I want to go through the whole pregnancy deal! I know everyone keeps telling me that it will happen when it is supposed to. YEAH I KNOW! But I want it to happen NOW!! I don't want to wait any longer! I want kids!!!!!!!!
Well enough of my ramblings...I need to get back to work!
Is A Stinkhorn Mushroom Poisonous
10 months ago
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