Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Depression is setting in

So our two year anniversary is slowly approaching and we have yet to get PG!!!!! I just can't wrap my head aroound that very easily!
And now I have found out what I think is preventing Lee and I from getting PG. I think I could possibly have PCOS. And the crappy thing is Lee still wants to continue to try naturally. He says we need to get some weight off first before we launch into any testing. We made an agreement that if we are not PG by our next anniversary that we would start ferility testing. But it just sucks. I won't push him though. If he is not ready, I can't push him or he will just push back and get more pissed.
He is already stressed with me talking about infertility and getting PG all the time. He said that I just need to chill.
I hate this. I hate being stuck in a spot like this.
I just don't know what to do anymore. Sometimes I just want to crawl into a hole and not come out...


Tara and Brad said...

IM sorry hun. I understand his hesitation to start testing and all, but could you go see your ob/gyn and ask to have bloodwork done? That way, if your levels come out to possibly show PCOS, they can start you on metformin, which is about as non-evasive as you can get, and will HELP you prepare to get pg.


SaraLee said...

Thanks hun. I have a doc appointment on July 28th to talk to her about all of this and see what she says. I finally got Lee to understand that why I needed to see the doc and was okay with it.