Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Been bad at keeping up!

So I have not wrote in so long!!! I was away all last week in Tampa for work! I missed Lee so bad!!! I got so homesick being away from him! It was the first time we had been away from each other for more than a night. It sucked big time! But there was lots of BD'ing done when I got home! lol!

So I have decided it was time to stay off of APA for awhile! I just can't handle the stress of it any more. I always think about a baby and talk about it all of the time and I was starting to stress Lee out. So I made a pact to only go on 1 time a week for like 10 or 15 min and then get right back off. He said once I get prego that I can go back on it all I want. So far it has been good for my brain! lol! I don't constantly think about having a baby. So far it is helping!!!

I gotta get back to work. I will write more later! :)

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