Friday, August 22, 2008

I have failed...

I just feel like I have failed. Just at life in general. I have been so upset the past few days! I feel like I have failed in my faith. I feel like I have just drifted away from my faith and feel like I have fallen away from God. I hate that feeling. Its the worst feeling EVER!!!! I have been crying for the past couple of days. Sometimes I just don't know what to do. I don't want to give up and just push God away. I couldn't do that! He is to important in my life. Even though I probably don't act like it. I need to start going to church again and start reading my bible again. When I used to do that I felt so good about everything. Everything in my life went great! And now when I need him most, I have pushed him the farthest away.
And I have failed in the whole losing weight thing. I did great for the first couple of weeks and now I have stopped. Stopped exercising and stopped eating well. What the heck is wrong with me? Why can't I just stick with something? Why do I have to fail at EVERYTHING!!!!!!!!! Why??? Why can't I have more willpower to overcome things like this? Why do I have to give up every time? I just feel like I can't do anything right!!!
And maybe God is punishing me and that is why I am not getting a baby. I want to start a family so bad it makes me cry! I have always wanted a family and now when I have the chance to have one, I can't! I can't even get freaking pregnant for my husband and start a family!! Wow I am pathedic! I just am so upset with myself!!!
Why do I have to be a failure at everything??

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