Monday, September 1, 2008

Good 3 day!

I was so happy to have a 3 day weekend! I totally needed a weekend to relax. We have been CRAZY busy at work and its going to be crazy busy this week as well! I am so stressed out at work but I am making it through. So I kind of failed at the whole diet and exercise thing. But I have decided to try again. I hate being over weight. I got sick last week and couldn't make it to the gym. I still have a pretty bad cold but hopefully that will go away soon! But I am going to try to at least walk every night if I can't make it to the gym! I want to get this weight off. I am so disgusted with myself that I don't even feel like getting up in the morning! Hopefully I can stick to it this time!
So I have 9 days until AF is supposed to show! I can't believe how fast these past couple of weeks have gone! I highly doubt we got prego this month. Lee was gone during my fertile times so I don't think we stand much of a chance but I guess we will see. I think I am going to start charting again. Hopefully that will help me get it down!

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