Monday, September 15, 2008

It's time to ask for help!

So I tested this morning after being 5 days late and got a negative. So I guess it's time to suck it up and ask for help! Time to call the ferility clinic. I just have to come to terms that Lee and I may never do this on our own and that is okay. There are people out there to help us get this going. I hope by the end of the year that we will have gotten pregnant. I don't want it to come to next July on our anniversary and still be sitting here waiting! I am hoping we can get it done!

I have decided it time to change up the diet. No more carbs. No more pasta, pizza, potatos, popcorn or chips. Only bread that is whole grain bread and only a few times a week. Carbs are my enemy! lol! I got to stop eating them. And no more pop! SO bad!! I have to do this for me! I don't want to continue to look like I am prego and really not be!

So onto making the call....hope this works for us. Keeping my fingers crossed for good things!

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Stay AWAY!!!!!

So today is the day AF is supposed to show! so far so good! I pray that AF stays away for the next 9 months!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I don't want to see it! I am not going to get excited until I am really late. I have been a week late before and so I don't want to get excited for nothing! I just hope this is it!!!!!!!! I want to make Lee and I parents!!!

Monday, September 1, 2008

Good 3 day!

I was so happy to have a 3 day weekend! I totally needed a weekend to relax. We have been CRAZY busy at work and its going to be crazy busy this week as well! I am so stressed out at work but I am making it through. So I kind of failed at the whole diet and exercise thing. But I have decided to try again. I hate being over weight. I got sick last week and couldn't make it to the gym. I still have a pretty bad cold but hopefully that will go away soon! But I am going to try to at least walk every night if I can't make it to the gym! I want to get this weight off. I am so disgusted with myself that I don't even feel like getting up in the morning! Hopefully I can stick to it this time!
So I have 9 days until AF is supposed to show! I can't believe how fast these past couple of weeks have gone! I highly doubt we got prego this month. Lee was gone during my fertile times so I don't think we stand much of a chance but I guess we will see. I think I am going to start charting again. Hopefully that will help me get it down!