Friday, December 12, 2008

So I tested...........and........

BFN! I figured that was going to be the case!! I guess it could still be to early! I guess I will keep my head up and just wait and see what happens! Thought maybe we got lucky this month, but I guess not! Looks like we may be moving onto 18 months of STC! At least I have some great STC girls that have been here to help me through all of this!
I am going to start temping again this weekend! At least I will be able to figure out what is going on with my body! AT least I won't freak out anymore if I can see my temps and see what is going on! Lets hope this will help me figure out my body better!
I am hoping that for Christmas I get the Wii Fit! If I don't, then I will just buy it after Christmas! I have heard lots of great things about it! I heard that it has helped people lose some weight. Well, I need to be losing some weight big time!! I don't like the way I look anymore! At least Lee still thinks I am beautiful! That makes me feel a little bit better! I just want to feel better about myself and just feel better period! I don't like carrying around all of this weight! It is not fun!
I am so excited for Christmas!!!! I can't wait! I love the get togethers, the food, the lights, and just the feeling of what Christmas is all about! We are going this weekend to look at lights and I am so excited! I love driving around and seeing what is out there!
So my friend yesterday found out she is having a girl! I am so stinking excited for her! She said for the first time, it has finally started to feel real that she is going to be a mom! She said just seeing the pic just made it so real! I am so excited for her!! I can't wait for her to have her girl! she is going to be a great mom!!

Ok well that is enough for today!

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