Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Why do I do this?

Ok so I want a baby SO bad but yet, I can't change some of the things in my life that could possibly help me get a baby!
I can't stop drinking pop. I try and then give back into temptation!!! I read last night in a book that drinking caffeine can reduce fertility by 50%! WHAT?? That is CRAZY! Could the pop be what is keeping us from a baby? I guess I gotta be STRONGER and not drink any pop! I can do it! I know I will get the headaches but I will just have to ignore them!

Then, I know I should eat better, but for some reason, again, I don't. I don't eat horribly, but I don't eat as good as I know I can. I do still eat some fast food, but I have been doing SO much better about not. And then I have a hard time not snacking! But this has got to stop as well! I gotta find a good diet and just stick to it. I need to get this weight off.

Then the whole exercising thing. I don't mind exercising, but sometimes it just sucks. I don't exercise as much as I should. I do good for about a week and then I start sucking again! I gotta be better and just stick to it every day! Then maybe this weight would come off.

So there are 3 major things that I know I could do to help me maybe get a baby, but yet, I don't do it. Maybe I am just being selfish in hoping that it will just happen on it's own. But I think that now after 21 months, it's not gonna just happen on it's own. I think I just need to come to that realization.

After we get moved inot the house, I am going to make an appointment at the fertility clinic. I like my doc at the OBGYN but I just don't think she is being proactive enough like I need someone to be!

My hopes is that by the end of this year, I will be blessed with a child...I just hope!


Gina said...

1) For pop, can you just switch to caffeine free? Yeah pop isn't great for you, but baby steps. First I cut out caffeine, then slowly cut out pop altogether.

2) I don't eat good either. I love french fries and pizza and fried chicken and potato chips and cheesy popcorn and brownies, you get the idea. What I do is I try to moderate it. Like, if I have a Slimfast for breakfast, I can have potato chips with lunch. If I can stay with the normal portion of potato chips instead of half the bag, I get a brownie as a snack. Etc. If I know I'm going out to eat for lunch or dinner, I try to have a Slimfast for the 2 meals I have at home.

3) Exercise SUCKS. You just have to make yourself. I tell myself I"m gonna do 10 minutes, then 5 more, then 5 more, then it's 20 and I might as well do 30. Once it's over, you feel so good.

Val said...

1- caffeine free pop! I just drink watered down juice when water isn't cutting it, have you tried doing that? or chilled herbal teas?

2- uughhh trying to eat well is hard, but try to start changing the way you view food. It's not just supposed to taste yummy, it's supposed to nourish your body. Imagine you are preggers already and the nutrients you consume are what are making your baby thrive. Treat your eating as if you were pregnant already.

3- Yeah, it sucks, no way around it. I've started walking my dogs more, every little bit helps.

Lots of hugs hun!!!