Monday, May 19, 2008

So I am out! :(

So AF decided to show..LATE! GRRR!! I got my hopes up for NOTHING!! I hate that!!! Oh well. I guess onto next month.
We go to San Diego at the end of June for about 10 days so there is going to be lots of BD'ing and that is supposed to be around the time I ovulate so HOPEFULLY we will do it then!
I just hate getting all excited and then being let down. I cried so hard last night because I got a BFN and I thought AF was on the way!!!

I want to start a family so bad...I hope we can do it soon!!!

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Oh the dredded wait!!!!

I hate this wait!!! I don't plan on testing until next week. AF is supposed to show on Saturday. Last two months, it has been 3 days early. Which if it was going to be 3 days early again, tomorrow would be the day it should show. But lets hope it stays away!!!
I try to not think about it, but how can't I?? I just go INSANE!!!!! I just dont want to be let down either though!!! So I am going to pray lots that I can try to keep myself sane over this next week. I will test next week if AF doesn't show her ugly face!!!

Friday, May 9, 2008

Praying this is my month!!!!

So I don't think I could take it if I get another BFN! I would just probably break down and cry! I just want it so bad!! Its been almost a year now that we have been trying and it sucks that we haven't got our BFP yet! I just feel like a failure when I dont get my BFP month after month! I just feel like it wont ever happen. I have stopped temping and stressing about it. I have tried to stay off APA as much as possible. It just stresses me out!! I just hope this month is our month! I want a baby and I want to give that special gift to Lee. I know how much he wants it!! I just hope and pray this is my month!!!!!

Thursday, May 8, 2008

House talk

A few nights ago Lee and I talked about a house. We have been wanting to move out of our apartment in hopes of getting a nice house. We still have some debt that we would like to get rid of. We have some credit cards and a loan we would like to take care of before we move. We figure that if we get some of our debt and get rid of our credit cards, our credit scores would go WAY up and we would be able to afford a nicer house. So we are thinking in about a year or two, we should be able to get a house. I sure hope so! I get sick of living in an apartment. I just feel like there is nothing that really is yours. You can't really do anything of your own in the apartment. So I hope we will get it all paid down and be able to get a house..SOON!!!!

So the weight is still slowly dropping off. So far I have lost about 7 lbs. Which is nice..but I still need to lose like a TON more!!!!!!! I can't wait. I can't wait to have a hot and sexy body...and then kill that when I have a baby! Which I would take any day! :)

Wednesday, May 7, 2008

I am so PUMPED!

I am so excited to have this blog!!! I always try to keep my journal but I get so bad at it sometimes! I am so glad to have this to write all my feelings and stuff in!!!
So I have about 10 days until AF (aunt flow) is supposed to show up. But I have been having some slight cramping. So hopefully that is a gooooood sign!!!! I just want to start a family so bad!
I have deicded to stop temping and stop doing OPKS because they just stress me out!
DH's cousin called last night and was like ARE YOU PREGO YET? I was like no not yet. I hate having to say no. But soon I hope I can say YES!!!

Work has been crazy busy! I have been training all of the new people that we have and its a lot of work! It gets to be pretty stressful too!

I am excited to have my blog!! Hopefully I can remember to update it! :)