Wednesday, May 7, 2008

I am so PUMPED!

I am so excited to have this blog!!! I always try to keep my journal but I get so bad at it sometimes! I am so glad to have this to write all my feelings and stuff in!!!
So I have about 10 days until AF (aunt flow) is supposed to show up. But I have been having some slight cramping. So hopefully that is a gooooood sign!!!! I just want to start a family so bad!
I have deicded to stop temping and stop doing OPKS because they just stress me out!
DH's cousin called last night and was like ARE YOU PREGO YET? I was like no not yet. I hate having to say no. But soon I hope I can say YES!!!

Work has been crazy busy! I have been training all of the new people that we have and its a lot of work! It gets to be pretty stressful too!

I am excited to have my blog!! Hopefully I can remember to update it! :)

1 comment:

Carrie and Jason said...

Yay! You'll be able to update on a BFP very soon, I'm confidant of that! And you'll remember to update your blog once you have a really good reason to remember!

You two are such a cute couple - you should add more wedding photos, too.

Good luck!!! And praying for you!