Thursday, May 8, 2008

House talk

A few nights ago Lee and I talked about a house. We have been wanting to move out of our apartment in hopes of getting a nice house. We still have some debt that we would like to get rid of. We have some credit cards and a loan we would like to take care of before we move. We figure that if we get some of our debt and get rid of our credit cards, our credit scores would go WAY up and we would be able to afford a nicer house. So we are thinking in about a year or two, we should be able to get a house. I sure hope so! I get sick of living in an apartment. I just feel like there is nothing that really is yours. You can't really do anything of your own in the apartment. So I hope we will get it all paid down and be able to get a house..SOON!!!!

So the weight is still slowly dropping off. So far I have lost about 7 lbs. Which is nice..but I still need to lose like a TON more!!!!!!! I can't wait. I can't wait to have a hot and sexy body...and then kill that when I have a baby! Which I would take any day! :)

1 comment:

Carrie and Jason said...

Yay! A house would be so super for you two. I hope that you're able to get one in the next year or so like you want. I agree - apartment living is not the greatest but it'll do until you can move out.