Wednesday, May 13, 2009

I'm doing it!!!

I am getting this weight off!!! I started out on Monday at 203.8 and I am down to 201.4!!! I am SO excited!!!! I have been doing SO good at my eating and I can see that it is paying off! Who knew it would feel so good to be doing something SO good for myself. I have also cut out pop all together. I slowly got myself off of it so I wouldn't get killer headaches going cold turkey on it! And quite honestly, I don't miss drinking pop!
I never thought I would be able to just stick to this. But now seeing the results, it makes me feel soooo good. I just gotta keep it up.
I have been eating a lot better than I have in a long time. No more fast food. No more greasy yucky food. Just goot nutrious food. I have been eating a healthy breakfast, then a little snack of fruits or yogurt, then salad for lunch, then another little snack of fruits or yorgurt, then something healthy for dinner. It is so great to see this happeneing. I can't wait to see more weight come off!
Only 2 more days until we get the house!!! We meet at 11 to sign all the paperwork. I was told last week by the loan people that we were going to owe $6300.00 at signing. Well lets just say I freaked a little bit. We were told we would not owe much more than our down payment for $4500.00 so I wasn't really saving more than I needed too. Well we got a call yesterday from the loan place saying we only owe $4030.56!!! She hadn't taken out the $500 we had already put down or the tax proration credit! I feel SO good knowing that we don't owe that much. Now we will still have a little over a $1000.00 in our savings to use towards the house!
I am SO excited to move into our house!! I can't wait!!!

Life is doing GREAT right now and I am so excited about it!


Em said...

I'm sooo happy things are going great for you! Yay for losing weight!! That's awesome!!

Very exciting about the new house, too!

Val said...

I can't begin you a realready getting the house, woot!!!! so exciting hun!!!!

And super YAY for eating healthy and ticking to it. I'm so proud of you!!!